Friday, May 26, 2006

The defining moments

Hold on. I have an arrière pensée o'er here. There are many a interesting moments in classes here at ISB, that one really starts thinking about not missing them. [high cost ssociated with each in terms of content and $$$ adds to that resolve].
Of particular interests are the ones where one learn some real-life funda from those Prof's insightful and worth contemplating one-liners [will cover them in some later post]. Still others are those where a student, intentionally or unintentionally, comes out with a class-participative remark, with it's own stamp of class.

In today's eco class, we had such a 'defining' moment.
Our new eco prof, has an inclination towards asking for difference of opinions and then refuting that with his own reasoning.
There was this game model going on and the example was such that there are two products - Red and Blue and the market consists of Red-Lovers and Blue-Lovers.
Now for a certain scenario, prof asked for some difference of opinion to what he had just said. There was this guy, who raised his a chance to explain.... and guess what was the only reason his gave - 'Love is irrational' :-)

And, for the first time we found Prof to be at loss of words.... he tried hard to come about with some reasoning so that he could refute that...but was clearly at a loss of words...finally admitting - 'Well...I can't counter anything with an opening line like this' :-)
The whole class burst into peals of laughter and was a great moment...!

Well, the way it stands unrefuted, does it mean that love is actually irrational?
One may like to explore the thought further, but for Section-C of the Class of 2007 at ISB, it surely is.

Saturday, May 20, 2006


At ISB, I always carry 2 keys with me - one of the apartment's main door (shared by us 4 quaddies) and the other one of my room. Both the locks being the same make, the keys are identical looking. [unless you strain your eyes to read the actual no. written on them - which is obviously different]

A concept, followed by subsequent recording of observations over last 21 days, and the final NULL Hypothesis test [the one we N(M)ulled over in our stats class] has led me to formulate the following law empirically [with a reasonable amount of acceptable contention :)] -

Among a set of identical looking keys, the one that actually opens the lock, will be the last one among the lot - no matter whichever key you start with.

Reflecting upon it, it turns out to be a corollary to Murphy's Law - adding the count of no-of-corollaries-to-Murhpy's law by 1.

Murphy's Law states: If there's more than one way to do a job, and one of those ways will result in disaster, then somebody will do it that way.
The more popular formualtion of the law being - Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.

Interestingly there are a number of interesting corollaries to this law [Ref. Author Arthur Bloch's compilations]. Examples -

- A slice of buttered bread, when dropped, will always land butter-side down
- If it jams - force it. If it breaks, it needed replacing anyway
- The other line always moves faster

Presenting this law as a life philosophy, it talks about making leeway for the possible flaws in anything to everything that may come across our voyage called 'Life'.

Monday, May 15, 2006

30 days

Fine. As always, I do take my time in settling down at any new place.
Done so. Again.

A month has passed since I landed myself at ISB.And it's been truely transformational to say the least. Life @ ISB, in many a ways, seems, is what I had wanted since a long time.
Lots to do at any point in time. Lots to ponder.
Lots to interact.
Lots to experience. Lots to explore, develop.
Lots to reflect upon.

Well, this does give me my options to exercise. This is what makes me love this place.

The orientation, the pre-terms, the Term-1 with its crew of good profs, the dunkings, the parties, the study-group, the section, the assignments,the quizzes, the CPs, the LDP - sure lot has happened over the past 30 days,with much much more evident in the foresight.

So, what is going to be my take-away from here?
Learnings. A job. Experiences. Realizations. Perspectives. Friendships. Memories.
[Maybe not a whole new me, but a signifacntly enlightened/ enrichened me]